6. Small Steps Lead to Big Outcomes

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

- Lao Tzu


Desired Outcomes

  • To avoid the tendency to feel overwhelmed

  • Understand that success is not always immediate

  • Understand the importance of focusing on ‘small wins’ which accumulate into big milestones

  • Know that achieving success in any endeavor requires the willingness to take continual steps that ultimately lead to your overall vision and goals


Small Steps Lead to Big Outcomes

Too often the scope of one's dreams can be so overwhelming it prevents them from starting. It’s easy to forget that all these great successes start with a simple idea and the courage to take that first step. Just as important, once the first step is taken, success is not often immediate and most successes take time to build. Take for example your favorite musical act; odds are they started in their garage and playing at high-school events for years or even decades before they achieved mainstream success.

The key is to understand that taking small steps help to build the confidence needed to take bigger steps. Over time the culmination of these actions exponentially builds upon themselves into what is eventually recognized as a success.

Meet Our Kamaʻāina


Jasper Wong

Tiana Gamble

The Green